PHISEMの概要 / Outline of the PHISEM
「こころの総合人間科学」Program for Human Integrative Science and Education of Mind (PHISEM) は2016年度、東京大学に発足した部局横断型の教育プログラムです。
学内のこころの科学に関わる教員が結集し、部局を超えた最先端のこころの総合人間科学教育を行っています。 分野を超えた教育により多面的な視野を養い、基礎的視点と臨床的視点の両輪を備えた、こころの多様性と適応を総合的に科学できる人材の育成を目指しています。
The Program for Human Integrative Science and Education of Mind (PHISEM) is a university-wide undergraduate education program that was launched in 2016.
Faculties of the University of Tokyo involved with science of mind cooperate and provide a cutting-edge education for human integrative science of mind across multi-dimensional fields. The aim of the PHISEM is to foster student’s multifaceted knowledge and perspectives, and to cultivate researchers who can comprehensively pursue diversity and adaptation of the human mind from both basic scientific and clinical perspectives.
PHISEMの構成・修了要件,開講科目 / Curriculum & Certificate
The PHISEM curriculum consists of the original core courses, including lectures and practicum (Introduction, etc.), as well as elective courses that are offered by each department.
To earn the PHISEM certificate, 12 or more course credits, including six or more credits from the core courses, are compulsory.
As the courses for the PHISEM certificate might change every year, please take note of which courses are offered each year.
International Program for Human Integrative Science and Education of Mind (iPHISEM) について、詳細はこちらをご確認ください